MCO - Damo Mitchell


Water chi sits. Yin aspect of the body is perinium or huiyin. Bring mind to perinium. Dont do anything. Breath will interact with jing. White metal will interact with black water to extract true lead from the jing. Intention no attention.

Warmth will arise at perinium.  If breath is anchored at perinium then breath is stoking the fire. yang within yin. Sexual arousal may happen. It cuz of unconscious inention. Step back and relax the mind..from intetion to attention. Then arousal will subside. 


First stage of MCO opening - Circulation of Yang chi. Yangchi moves from dantien, down towards perinum, up sacrum, spine and sinks down front of body back towards 

For this dantien needs to be filled to some extent. We dont draw chi into du. We allow dantien to actiate to move chi.

1. Yang Chi


a. Lower Dantien must be formed. Field must be formed. There is a field of yin chi but it must be squeezed towards center point. 

b. Yang chi must go into dantien. When yang chi moves into dantien it will start to grow. It must be filled to 15 %. Dantien is like a cog that turns.

Dantien container is built using centre of gravity, breath and mind being placed into lower abdomen. Best way is anchoring breath to kidney. If breath is anchored to kidney yang chi aspect of essence is extracted from jing. Then true lead will arise. True lead is yang chi and it will fill ldt. At 15% it will mobilize and yang chi aspect of MCO will start and first level of MCO will open du and ren and formation of magpie bridge. This is called foundation. Circulation of chi in MCO is only establishment of pathway. This is just begenning.

2. Alchemical Aspect - Refining jing and chi. This is proper MCO.

 - Keep alchemical ingredients in the LDT. LDT is the cauldron. Beneath it is a fire. Use cook fire to cook substance in the dantien.

 - Establish mingline inorder to cook the dantien. 

 - At this stage anchoring to kidney is very important. If no anchor then you will get stressed due to more energy.

Anchor breath to kdiney

Form Dantien container

15% filling

When Yang chi enters abdomen you will feel a warmth like after drinking a hot soup.

Lower dantien will start to rotate at 15%. Status will have taiji symbol to show this rotation.

Fire 1 - Furnace at perinium. It cooks ldt which is the cauldron. It refines the substance at the center of dantien. refining the chi.

Fire 2 - ming fire. This is at lumbar region at water region of the body. Send chi to ming fire in ming men to send it up du.  Lesser MCO - Keep buidling chi in ldt.compressing. 

Other systems let it move around the spine. Need ming fire to do this.

Sea of chi(ren-6), meng men (du-4)(gateway of ming). At gateway something is manifesting. This is the ming fire.

ming line - Ming men to Chehai(sea of chi). If this line is formed health will improve drastically. they have to start attracting and affect dantien. Mingmen will be yang, qihai (ren-6) is yin.

First step - move yang chi around the orbit. As chi moves through ming fire it will give it positive charge. Ren-6 will get negative quality when yang chi moves through it. Thus these two points gets

a polarity and starts to form the ming line. 

Dantien is pressurized from furnace at bottom, mingmen and ren6 from sides, breath from top. dantien is cooked by furnace, stoked by breath, 

Most important - Anchor breath to kidney.

Another line called Line of Iron will form ertically.

MCO 5 Harvesting Yang

Draw true lead, yang aspect of essence into dantien. Put mind on perinium, let breath anchor at perinium, plucking true lead from seat of yin, which is perinium.

Plucking yang chi from perinium - Lift perinium during inhale. exhale relax. Dont use muscle but mind with subtlity. Be aware of heat at perinium, pluck yang.

If breath is not anchored at perinium then during plucking yang chi will go to heart and you will become hyperactive. After some time heat from furnace will go into dantien. This is extracting true lead into dantien. inhalation, extraction of lead. exhalation is relaxation.

After some time lead will move into dantien on its own accord. No need to pluck. Wamth is heating the contents of the cauldron. Just observe. Attention becomes the fuel. 

Bring hands up at heignt of diaphragm, palm down. to prevent chi from going up. Like a lid. Do for 15-20 minutes.

Sit to manifest furnace at perinium, pluck yang chi, hold hands above like a lid.

Keep absrbing what happens.

bring arms up and around and down and draw everything down. 

MCO 6 Ming Line

This is reverse breathing.

When there is chronic habitual warmth, longterm warmth then its time to form mingline

On inhalation draw qihai ren 6 to spine, mengmen. Do not use muscle. Will create stagnation, tension. more outside moves less the inside moves. Dont push ren6 from outside but pull it from inside.

- Sign 1 :Something starts shuddering, jumping up and down inside the abdomen. Its ming line presssurising dantien.

- Sign 2 : Something starts rolling, inside abdomen, like intenal belly dancing, can also roll muscle outside like nauli kriya but origin of movement is inside. This is dantien is starting to turn over. We are at 15%. These are just markers. Dont work for them.

Final sign - Polarity ic ren 6 adn ming men will start to relate. They will start to squeeze.  Like magnet from ming men pulling ren 6. Something closes the abdominal cavity especially on the inhalation. All of a sudden activity in abdomen will become extreme. Do not manufacture.

Practise of 20 minutes. Be gentle.

Settling breath,  Anchoring at kidney -  45 to 60 min

Plucking yang chi into dantien - 20 min

establishing ming line - 90 min

Layerd one after another. But need not be at same time. can be over a day.

5 to 7 in morning. Full moon midnight is helpful.

Jing will consolidte if times are right, no tension, less work, less sexual acts.

MCO 7 - The governing vessel

Du - Center of spine. thrusting channel is not center of spine.

Energy cycle Child - Perinium to head in the back side and down to perinium in front side

Energy cycle Adult - Perinium to head and back to perinium in back side. Then perinium to head and back to perinium in front side. figure 8 loop.

The switch in flow happens after puberty or sexual act. We need to change this flow to that as in child. This is called return to spring or childhood.

Jung goes up to head and mix with heavens essence and comes down. For men energy up ren channel is less. Yang chi goes to heart to stumulate emotion and only till ldt and mdt starts reacting with each other. But for women there is breast which is another store house of jing. This movement of jing is experienced during breast feeding. In women energy goes up ren and bring down heavely water to form menstrual blood/Child birth. Post menopause the front cycle slow and becomes like in male.

Chhildren does not need to bring heavenly jing from head as parental jing helps them to go untill puberty and little beyong.

Sun cycle - chi goes up and comes down in 24 hours. This is yang circulation

moon cycle - month, moon. same path. yin cycle takes place over a month

breath cycle - inhale and exhale one cycle. Figure 8 loop takes two breath cycle for up and down in front and rear.

Du Channel opening

1) Structural - Usual structural corrections

2) Prp dantien to 15% - dantien is 15%. Dantien is driving force and not Mind

3) Nerves must be ready - Relax nerves, relax muscles, relaxation. 

4) Kidney must be healthy.  

Yang chi influences nervers system. It is electrifying, tingling. Du channel is governed by yang chi. 

Two types of circulation - Ring (whole mco) and Point

5) Spine must be safe - Passes. Clipping passes. Energy can be trapped here. 

Signs of du channel opening - Dont look for faint tickling that moves around back is not what it is. Look for stronger reaction. There will be a physiological change.

MCO 8 - Mixing the two QI

Let mind sink along with breath down to the lower abdomen to just above perinium in the dantien area

move qi hai towards spine ( reverse breathing). breath in - ren 6 towards spine, breath out - relax. Intentional pulling rather then pulling muscle. Ming line.

Take right hand ...forearm horizontal and place it infront of solar plexus, mark it with the finger then move hand back to knee. This is to know here solar plexus is. Drop mind to lower dantien to the place where yang chi and warmth is gathering. On Breath in draw chi up to solar plexus and on breath out move chi from yellow court to dantien. Something will move from dantien to yellow court and back down. Qi in dantien is warm and fluid, a line of warmth moves up to solar plexus on breath in. 

Chi in ldt is yang chi,extracted from the essence. The chi in yellow court is acquired chi from food and breath, it is easy to build. Mix the two so they thicken. Firs use the breath to start the process then after sometime it will proceed on its own. This practise will thicken the chi and will make chi in abdomen thicken.Subtlelty and attention to detail is needed. If breath goes high then restablish breath lower. If needed we can keep hands like a lid above solar plexus to stop chi from going high.  If chi does not readily move from ldt up then we need more yang chi in ldt, make better foundation. Dont use imagination, use mental instruction and attention. Once it starts give minimal intervention and observe.

To conclude, switch to normal breathing, bring both hands above head and bring everyting down. This practise is called submerging the chi from the yellow court to the dantien through mixing with yang chi. yang is extracted from perinium to dantien, developed by mingline, is drawn uptowards solar plexus, the central granary, where it interacts with chi from food we eat. Chi from yellow court is like a thickening agent. It adds more density and fullness in the lower dantien and we become more ready to open MCO. When you move you will feel something thicker heavy in ldt.

9. The lesser MCO

After thickeing the chi, it has to roll. This is lesser mco, a small circulation and takes places within the height of the diaphragm and has not yet moved into the spine. Its like a cement mixer. It creates more density.  Dantien must be at 15% full.

Initiate reverse breathing with ren6 and du4.

Bring mind to ldt, level with ren-6 and above huiyin. There should be heat now. Now turn the dantien forward, i,e rotate on a vertical axix like a car wheel from back to front like how in mco we go from back to front ie up the du and down the ren. This is not done with physical/muscular or bodily movement. If qi is 15% full and thick it will roll. It will go to bottom of pelvis, up the front of the lumbar, underneath the diaphragm, down the front of the abdomen. Once it rolls just listen. Inside of body will move, but you are not moving. It is not created. This is movement of yang chi. 

You will notice a loop moving from the base of the pelvis, up the lumbar and down the inside of the diapghragm wall. As it is yang chi it is slighlty electrical. It cretes mobile moving contractions. It wont happen if there is no chi in dantien. Dont deliberately roll the muscle. What had been happening internally is forcedly procudes thrugh muscle action by copying masters. 

Turtle represents base of the body. Turtle wrapped in snake. Turtle and snake represents water. Turtle is the water around the bsae of the body. Snake is the spine. A thick chi is good and will open the nerve and channels. Thin chi will only trickle. Thick chi is obtained by combaining yang chi with chi from solar plexus and then rolling. Should be 20 minutes once or twice a day. To conclude mentally allow the process to subside

MCO 10 Exercises for the Clipping Passes

The clipping passes are not the chakras. The points must be free for nerves system to open up and for most people there might be a blockage. Mind is inside the spine and move the spine. Give attention. Movement must be loose, opening, snake like. Flickign with index finger on the skull to open yuzhe and naohu (heavenly drums region). Hitting the heavenly drums - Observe awareness in the area of the body that is being drummed. Exercices are:

1. Ming men, Shando - Curve spine front and back and strecth,  Spinal wave

2. Yuzhen naohu - Hitting the heavenly drums. Use quite a lot of power as much as you can get. After this the mind becomes free and head will feel light and free. Do it for few minutes

3. Twisting spine on either sides, turn neck to back. So that each vertebra is twisted. Then twist, lift spine at the same time. Mind is always inside the spine.

4. Baihui - Keep two plams above baihui. Move palms up and down, connect laogong with baihui. Mind at baihui

5. RenZhong(nose, mouth) - Tilt head/neck to one side. Take deep breath, hold, release and repeat. Do on the other side. 

6. TianTu(Neck) - Stretch neck region. Push head back, chin up, breath in, hold and push breath into sternum, release breath and sink sternum.

7. Shanzhong(heart) - Put mind in heart area, not inside but outside.Stretch chest area, like pulling sides of chest to the side,  outside then sink in.

8. Zuongwan(solar plexus) - Same method as that of heart but at solar plexus. Use mind to stretch solar plexus sideways, keep widening it sideways

9. Huiyin - Is taken care through extracting yang chi practice in foundation stage.

finallay roll shoulders by using scapula.

MCO 11 The Orbit

1- Tang Qi movement

Path of yang chi is slighthly different for men and women. For men less sensation in chest. At chest it branches in each side deep into the body and sinks down. Orbit diagram is more accurate for women.

For women it moves into breast then solar plexus before it sinks down. This is cuz women has extra seat of jing in chest and uterus.

2. Dantien Chi Movement - Jing has yin and yang. Yin is used to create form/body. Depleting it is draining body. So use yang part of jing which is energetic. Extracting yang qi from jing is alchemical method. Yang chi is mixed with post natal chi/houtian  yellow court chi. Post natal and prenatal are mixed together. Results in building and thickening chi. Rolling is called churning of chi.

Furnace is yang energy at the perinium which is warming the cauldron, At some stage it will start to spill over. At this stage we go to third stage which is drawing chi into du channel.

3. Draw Qi into du channel - Use suggestion no imagination or force. Qi enters through wei lu / tailbone.

There are multiple orbits. The figure of eight loop is not ended once MCO starts.
