
Showing posts from November, 2020

MCO - Damo Mitchell

MCO 3 Water chi sits. Yin aspect of the body is perinium or huiyin. Bring mind to perinium. Dont do anything. Breath will interact with jing. White metal will interact with black water to extract true lead from the jing. Intention no attention. Warmth will arise at perinium.  If breath is anchored at perinium then breath is stoking the fire. yang within yin. Sexual arousal may happen. It cuz of unconscious inention. Step back and relax the mind..from intetion to attention. Then arousal will subside.  MCO 4 First stage of MCO opening - Circulation of Yang chi. Yangchi moves from dantien, down towards perinum, up sacrum, spine and sinks down front of body back towards  For this dantien needs to be filled to some extent. We dont draw chi into du. We allow dantien to actiate to move chi. 1. Yang Chi -------- a. Lower Dantien must be formed. Field must be formed. There is a field of yin chi but it must be squeezed towards center point.  b. Yang chi must go into dantien. When yang chi moves